5 problem face by blogger - technology blog


Tuesday 18 August 2015

5 problem face by blogger

Before I begin discussing my topic today, let me first quote something Mr.Mohammed Mustafa Ahmedzai said in hisinterview with Kulwant Nagi at Blogger Cage:
“The easiest job on earth isstarting a blogbut the toughest job is maintaining it.”
Because Patience matters in blogging, and most of us don’t have that!
From the day we start blogging till the day we end our blogging career, we face a lot of problems. Solving these and moving ahead is not easy as it sounds!
And that’s what makes most bloggers quit blogging very soon.
So, as a tribute to the great bloggers who faced these challenges and to those who is thinking to start a blog, today I will be discussing the 5 most common blogging problems.What have I done!?

 1. Topic For Next Post :

Why is this a problem ? Well believe me, most bloggers does not start blogging because of passion. It’s because they find as the easiest way to generate income.
And if one start blogging with the aim of money-making, they usually end up choosing the most-profitable niche for blogging, on which they might not have any interest.
So eventually, they find it hard to find topic for their blog post. I find a lot of such bloggers who doesn’t have any interest in the topic they blog about and the phrase NEXT BLOG POST is usually a nightmare for them :P.

2. Time To Concentrate On Blogging :

Whether you blog for money or for passion, time doesn’t compromises for anyone. And you find it relatively hard to concentrate on your blog unless you have completely isolated yourself for blogging.
Time is a major problem especially for students,employees etc. who have tiring works all day. And after all these chaos, they blog within the remaining time. So people who blog partially find Time a major problem unless on weekends or holidays !

3. Income :

As I said above, if you are blogging for money, then this problem should appear first. Every pro-bloggers says that you should only start to think about income at least after 6 months of blogging.
But what we see is that as soon as their blog’s age reaches 1-2 months, many bloggers start to apply for AdSense and other platforms.
And most often, they gets rejected by Adsense and quit blogging. If your main reason for blogging is money and you have no patience for earning them, then you’re not going to earn from blog at all ! And for others, who is not able to make a good amount from blogging. Just concentrate on your articles and readers, because they are the one that generates income for you.

4. Competition :

This is often faced by bloggers who race to increase their blog’s rankings.
With the so-called blogosphere getting more and more populated every day, you need to work really hard to reach the extremes of blogging!
Blogging needs passion, and moreover you need ideas. Ideas that can help you write,write and write more to gain readers and popularity. The best way to get popular is to choose your favorite niche [Of which you have idea] and start writing.

5. Response :

Duh ! Here comes the main problem. By saying response, what I mean is 3 things
  • Traffic
  • Subscribers
  • Comments
Traffic is something that keeps your blog alive. If you are very much concerned about traffic, then it is recommended that you spend some months in researching for trends in blogging before you start your own blog.
Also do keep in mind to update your blog with regular happenings in your niche. This way readers will feel your content fresher and useful and you’ll start having a flow of traffic :-)
Subscribers is something that reflects whether your blog’s becoming successful or no. The more a reader feels your content useful, the more is the chance that he/she would subscribe and refer your blog in the future too!
Comments can be referred as the direct and immediate response for your articles by readers. Many say that WordPress blogs get more comments because of theirCommentLuv feature.
But I believe that content is the factor that makes a reader to comment. If you’re fed up of not getting any comments on your blog, then I suggest you to read 5 Strategies To Get Your ‘Every Comment’ Approved By Garg Ankit!
These are the most common blogging problems that most of us face. Of course, there are tons of other problems that gives us headache all the time. If you felt this article interesting, please share your views as comments below!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Priceless information and worth spending time reading and which will help our personal websites for seo ranking .

