
Friday 1 May 2015


I have alright eyes, although for many years I did wear glasses. Several years ago I began feeling as though I wanted my eyes to be better, and I didn’t have thousands of dollars to spend on laser surgery. So I began practicing healing my eyes with will alone, and some various ingredients that I had picked up along the way.

1) De-Stress

The basis is to recognize that all of the strain and stress in your eyes is not solely related to your eyes, but the stress that you are carrying around in your body, particularly in your face, which relates heavily to your brain as well. Beginning by realizing the stress in your face – and relaxing the muscles around your eyes is the first step of this, and understand that healing is a process which can take some time, especially if your external environment is a particularly stressful one.  I always notice that my eyesight worsens when I am more busy and stressed out in my head.

2) Sun Gaze

Close your eyes gently and look into the sun absorbing the light (also while relaxing the muscles). This can facilitate a calm, warming soothing feeling across your whole face and even the rest of your body, and can greatly help relax.  This is good to do for a few seconds while the sun is rising and when it is setting because the suns rays are less powerful during those times, and will be less harmful to your eyes.  This will also help remove a layer of mucous from the top of your eyeball.

3) Eat The Right Foods

There is also food that is great for your eyes, such as Carrots, Eggs, and Almonds! (Just make sure it’s organic).  Any fruits and vegetables will be good for your eyesight, especially ones containing vitamin E and zinc.
So a few days ago I stumbled upon this video below and I got super excited about it! The results that i’ve had have been noticeable to me, but I had never been able to put it into words or describe it as i’m able to now.
Upon watching the video, I found myself pleasantly surprised.  This guy is a legitimate doctor, who has used a method from a “renegade optometrist” from about a hundred years ago who put together a solid formula for healing your eyes.

Everything he says really resonates with me, and I think even though there’s a lot more to it, it sounds a lot like what i’ve been practicing. For example, as I wrote earlier when I wake up in the morning I like to go outside and just close my eyes gently and stare into the sun. It not only helps my eyes wake up, but my whole mind wakes up! Not to mention, my eyes lose their “morning grogginess” completely, and my eyesight seems to be really great, much better than had if I did not do it.
Likewise, the whole “don’t squint” thing is another practice, and it totally makes sense! Like, if you’re whole face is squinting and stressed out all of the time, then that’s constricting the way your face and head receives energy – both with light through our eyes, energy in our 3rd eyes, or smells through our noses.
And if there’s no more strain, then your brain, eyes, and facial muscles can all function with ease and clarity. Energy can flow smoothly, and it only makes sense that your eyes will naturally improve as well :)
For all of us with glasses, lets give these tips a practice and see how we do!

If you’d like to learn more about the
Bates Method for better eyesight without glasses,
 Check out the Book here!

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