An affordable, real gold Apple Watch can be yours for just under $1,000 - technology blog


Sunday 3 May 2015

An affordable, real gold Apple Watch can be yours for just under $1,000

Delayed delivery times and ink-driven glitches are taking some of the sheen off the Apple Watch.
But for luxury obsessives, a new option could spark new excitement — namely a "real" gold Apple Watch for just several hundred dollars extra.
A California-based company, normally devoted to customizing guitars and motorcycles, has launched a new service called WatchPlate that will layer your stainless steel Apple Watch in 24 karat gold for $399. And if you own one of the metal bands, the price includes covering it in the precious metal, as well.
Apple Watch

That's right, the $10,000-plus, all-gold smartwatch on Beyonce's wrist is suddenly very attainable — albeit through unofficial means.
Including the cost of the lowest-priced stainless steel Apple Watch ($549), plating its case will get you a gold watch for just $948. And if you want to gold plate the case and an Apple metal band, the total price, including the cost of the cheapest stainless steel Apple Watch at $649 (Milanese Loop band), is about $1,048.
WatchPlate's process, which promises a 35 micron coating of gold on the device, includes a rose-gold option. According to at least one metal-plating source, which lists an average of 20 microns for durable luxury gold plating, that should be more than enough to last the lifetime of most watches. And for those who put their wrist candy through the ringer of extra heavy wear and use, the company even offers to retouch your Apple Watch for just $199.
Apple Watch

WatchPlate does warn, however, that the gold-plating process — which involves submerging the device in 3 inches of fluid for about 20 minutes, will likely void the Apple Watch warranty — but that is frequently the case when you're customizing electronics of any kind.
The second-best thing about the service is the time involved: It takes just three days for WatchPlate to complete the process after receiving your Apple Watch.
Of course, the quality of customization services vary widely, so buy at your own risk. But if you must have a gold Apple Watch and don't want to drop $10,000, the good life is now within reach.
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