get a $10,000 gold Apple Watch for just $349 - technology blog


Sunday 26 April 2015

get a $10,000 gold Apple Watch for just $349

Much has been made about the $10,000 gold Apple Watch Edition, and how unattainable it is for most of us. But one clever consumer decided to take matters into his own hands, and create a gold Apple Watch almost from scratch.
The price? About $10 — the cost of a can of spray paint.

related post= See the Apple Watch torn down to its minuscule parts
YouTuber Casey Neistat shows how easy it is to make your own gold Apple Watch with just a little care and a steady hand. (Warning: Don't try this at home unless you're okay with possibly destroying your $349 to $399 investment.)
The end result may not fool anyone who looks at your wrist too closely, but at a glance, Neistat's gold-sprayed aluminum Apple Watch looks pretty sweet.

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