Cyanogen CEO: Samsung will be “slaughtered” see full story - technology blog


Thursday 30 April 2015

Cyanogen CEO: Samsung will be “slaughtered” see full story

Sure, Samsung’s smartphone sales may have dropped in the past year, but is the company already doomed? We’re not so sure, but according to Cyanogen CEO Kirt McMaster the South Korean firm could be “slaughtered” by new competition in the next five years.
Speaking to Business Insider earlier this week, McMaster offered his own vision of the future in which local companies like Xiaomi continue to eat away at Samsung’s market share. Even Apple may not be safe forever if it can’t figure out how to compete on the low-end.
“The tier one OEMs like Samsung are going to be the next generation Nokias in the next five years,” he said. “They’re going to be slaughtered.”
Cyanogen sees an obvious role for itself among these newer phone-makers, since it’s Android-based software is capable of running on budget-friendly hardware. The company also hopes to offer deeper software integration for third-party apps like Spotify, which currently plays second fiddle to iTunes on iOS or Google Play Music on Android.
Finally, McMaster also commented on recent rumors that Cyanogen could be taking a big investment from Microsoft as the two companies team up to challenge Google. He wouldn’t offer any new information, but promised an official announcement in the next few weeks. However, the Cyanogen CEO does note that it won’t take money from any company unless it’s part of a bigger deal, suggesting the two firms could also be working on a new product as well.

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